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How do I purchase more Chef Daddy seasoning salts?  We hear this question a lot as our loyal home cooks see their precious salt supply dwindle and commence becoming nervous.  Here is the answer, In addition to our seasoning salts you'll find a handful of other very useful "Chef Daddy approved" kitchen tools, utensils and even aprons.  We'll keep adding products as we grow, and offer up some delicious seasonal recipes right here on our blog.  Thank you for choosing Chef Daddy, we're here to help you "enhance your flavor."


  • Elizabeth Esche

    We visited your restaurant a week ago (from Crystal Cruises). You prepared a dish with cauliflower and served with the salmon. Do you have a recipe for this and others you’ve dreamed up.
    I really enjoyed that shore excursion much and might bring my family in on our August trip to the Pacific Northwest.
    Thank you again

  • Sue

    Our cruise ship stopped in Astoria and we took a food and wine tour. We had very fresh salmon but can’t remember the oven temp or how long it was cooked but it was fabulous! your salts are wonderful and we always have a supply on hand.

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